Thursday 6 March 2008

Me..... an unusual site

Lately i must have been an unusaul site for a lot of people....
You see, i have had the internet and home phone cut off, So to use the internet i have been sitting on the side of the road somewhere, where i can pick up free internet... and some of these places are the most random places. Whether being outside a cafe that has closed, or outside a parking lot in Chinatown (our extremely small Chinatown), to just randomly on morphett street (my street) half a block from whitmore Sq (which is where i am at the moment). i have been out here for a little while and had a few people walk pass.
One of them actually made a comment about me sitting here, saying that it was unusual and that i should be careful, cause it is an unsafe area.... what that person doesn't know is that i know the area, and i know a lot of people in the area, some of these people i know are the ones that make people think this is an unsafe neighbourhood... And i go for a walk around here whenever i feel like it.... the lastest being at 2am. (Mind you, i wouldn't let another female walk around here by herself).
I think it is going to be good doing this... it means that when ever i want to get on the internet i have to go outside somewhere, and i may meet more people while sitting on the street. I am sure people will wonder why.... and i can tell them, and maybe even tell them about Christ.
I pray for those opportunies.... and for Souls....


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