Thursday 29 March 2007


Sometime joy is a choice. I got to work today and the worker that i usually work with was sick, so there was a replacement worker. This morning i really didn't want to work with a replacement, cause it usually means that you have to tell them what needed to be done, and i just didn't want to be doing that. However, I rejected the thoughts coming to me like, i really don't want to work with him, blah, blah blah. And decided i wanted to be joyful at work today. i Started singing "the joy of the Lord will come down", and when singing it the Joy of the Lord does come down. there were other parts of day where i started to feel down and then choose JOy instead. Thanks be to Christ who helped me to choose Joy through out the day, and kept bringing that song up in my mind again and again.


Wednesday 28 March 2007


Today i have realised that i have been buying into some stuff that the enemy has been feeding me. Ok, let me explain.
Lately at times i have been fully wondering if i am where i am meant to be, where God wants me, (which in itself isn't bad, especially when i know that i am only to be at Gen1 for a season). However i have spent quite a bit of time dwelling on this, and what God wants me to be doing, trying to work it out. As i was worshipping and praying tonight, i was praying about being a watchman in prayer (which i know God has called me to), and asked God what i need to pray for, God brought someone to mind, for me to pray protection over them, protection from attacks of the enemy, cause this person is charge of a few things that are happening over the next couple of weeks, that will have an impact for the kingdom of Jesus Christ. A little bit after i was praying that, i had the revelation that i am in the lead up of organising a training program, which would have an impact on this Generation for Christ. And these thoughts of am i where i am meant to be, are an attack from the enemy, i bought into the lie that i have to work it out, when all i had to do was ask Jesus. These thoughts are stopping me from praying into this program, from asking Jesus what He wants taught, what He wants us to do, and who He wants to use to teach through. This has been making me confused, a little worried/stressed with stuff, and feeling a little down, but mainly confused.
So i repented of listening to the enemy, and started praying into this training program, at the moment it is being called "combat training", and just a peace came over me, peace about where i am at the moment, and with combat training. Praise the LORD
I hate the enemey, he knows that i just want to be where God wants me, and throws that sort of question at me to confuse me, so that i would seek God about that more or spend time trying to work it all out my self than seeking a deeper relationship with Chrsit and about the things i know He wants me to be doing.
I pray for more decernment, so that i reckonise the attacks of the enemy, even when they are wrapped in good stuff, when they first arise, or even before the enemy gets close enough to attack.


Monday 19 March 2007

Awesome stuff

Some of you know that last year i went to Vancouver, and ended up helping out at battle school, which is an urban mission experience and training program for teenagers ran by The Salvation Army 614 Vancouver, in the Downtown Eastside. Battle school is ran yearly, the dates this year July 3rd til Aug 10th. But anyway, nowthat i have finished plugging battle schooll, i'll continue with the blog.
The reason for this blog is, i was reading one of the battle schoolers blog, she was sharing about something called "hands and feet". Read about it, i have pasted it below....

I stepped into a room last sunday and was met with an overwhelming movement of God. It came in the form of about 15-20 highschool students-- students looking for a way to serve God IN THEIR OWN COMMUNITY. But, I'm gonna be honest, I don't know how this is going to work. I am crazy busy, and we don't have a single adult who has volenteered to help. But, somehow, I know it's gonna work out. I really believe that God has a plan for this group. It's a big commitment too, we are meeting 3-4 times a week, two of the times are at 7:30AM! I was totally overwhelmed by all the people wanting to get involved when I walked into that first morning meeting. I had woken up that morning, exhausted from helping out at youth group the night before. All I kept thinking was how much I didn't want to go and lead the meeting, how I really didn't have time to take on another thing, and how there probably wouldn't be anyone there anyways. But I was so wrong! I walked in and saw 10 kids there! They were up, and awake, and so excited about practising drimes that I really realised : God's gonna use this in an amazing way!!! I suppose what I am trying to say is this: pray for us! Pray for our ministries, for ideas on what todo for ministries, pray for protection from the weapons of the enemy; descouragement, frustration, and gossip. Pray for the hearts of campbell river, that they would be softened to hear what we are trying to say. We chose a name, one that I think is amazingly fitting, and entirely God sent. We're calling it "Hands and Feet". -

Praise the Lord for these youth, and their God given vision for "Hands and Feet"

God Bless


youth wanting to be counted for Christ

It's been a while since i have blogged, since the last time i blogged, at Gen1 we have had a visitor from Canada (Mel), and it was great having her here, it was a real blessing, and she brought much joy to many people in Adelaide. Cause this was the second time that she had been here within 12 months, and last time she had met a number of people, so they were all filled with joy to see her again.
At Gen1 we have packed our tv away, under the confiction of God, we decided we didn't need it. We haven't given it away or smashed it yet (which would be fun though, that's the ingle farmer coming out in me), cause we don't really know who it belongs to.
This week we (at the Gen1 house) have responded to a call of prayer from God, through Carly (one of the girls in the house with me). As a result we are making time for prayer, not just for ourselves as individuals (Don't get me wrong, this is a main focus of the call to prayer, to develop a deeper intermacy with Jesus) and as Gen1, but lifting up other people and ministries.
On this same topic Revolution youth are binding together in prayer as well, to see lives changed in their area. These youth are becoming passionate about seeing their community changed, and seeing more and more youth coming to know Christ as their Lord and Saviour.
We are seeing youth from war cry, joining together for prayer and some even while at parties, when music with sexual explicted lyrics come on, praying against it and the cd immediately starts to jump badly, so that it has to be changed.
There is also RAW in Vancouver, which is giving youth a taste of doing Urban mission with God.
In Campbell River, BC, Canada, There is a group of youth that are wanting to serve God. This Group is about 15 -20 in number.

Praise the Lord Youth are stepping up and being counted for Christ and wanting to serve Him to reach others.

God bless you all


Friday 2 March 2007


sorry the last blog was long, i didn' t realise, h0wever it is worth the read,
This quote is from an email of a devotion that i got emailed from extreme prophetic, and when i read it, i felt as if it fitted really well into what i was saying in the last blog,

This is an exciting time you live in right now! 2007 is a Year of Vision and Dreams. The Lord is pouring out His Spirit on the earth in unprecedented measure. Signs and wonders abound! The day of the Lord is here, and as Jesus taught, the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.
In 2007 we are going to see an increase of prophetic dreams brought on by the Holy Spirit, not only dreams, but also visions. These dreams will be "guidance" dreams to give God's people direction and discernment. There will be visions of the Kingdom poured out on a generation like never before. These dreams and visions will be very strategic in the coming months and will resonate through the body. There will be dreams of inventions that will change the world. There will be dreams of prophetic intervention to avert potential dangers and catastrophic events

This is cool, and it related really well, because the guy that saw the visions and dreams, saw a catastropic event, and he said that they got to stop it. Again it just resounded with my spirit.

If you want to read the whole devotional, just let me know and i can email it to you.


Thursday 1 March 2007


today i watched 2 episodes of the tv series Heros. I love it, so far at least. Not because it is a good tv series to watch and be entertained by. But because it stirred my Spirit, so much that i want to share about it.
The show is about a group of people finding out that they have these "special gifts/abilities" (well so far at least). However there is one guy that has visions or dreams and paints what he sees, then a day, week or month, would go by and what he painted would actually happen somewhere.
Then there is another guy that feels as if he is meant to fly, and keeps seeking out after it, to understand, but his brother thought that he was going crazy, and talked him down, and then they were having an arguement, and he walked to his brother (in the air), from a ledge. but when he looked down, he fell back to the ground.
Another guy, felt he could stop time and in fact travel across time and space, again this guy presued this and then he ended up in New York, and it was a month later, but he travelled across time and space from japan, saw what happened and came back to the date and place from where he left.
A fourth guy, could hear the thoughts of people. There was a girl that if she got hurt, she would heal almost instantly.
The reason why my spirit was stirred, was because i was thinking about these people and their "gift/ability" and was thinking this is all posible through Christ, and the power of the Holy Spirit. Like people are give prophetic dreams and visions, sometimes it is futuristic (not always but sometimes). There have been people that have been full of the Holy Spirit and Levitated. There have been intercessors that God has taken them from the country they are in to another country across the other side of the earth, and back again, during their times of prayer.
I have heard of a couple of people hearing the thoughts of others in the Spirit, but more so there are many that feel the heart of the person next to them or across the room, or even just when sitting with someone and praying for that person, God allows us to see/feel that persons heart/hurt/pain. And miracleous healings are happening across the world.
My Spirit was stirred, cause these things happen, in and through the Holy Spirit, and my spirit just cried out, "BRING IT ON", i want to see this around world, i want to see this happening across Australia, i want to see this in Adelaide. I want to be a part of it.
The other thing that stood out to me was that these guys pressed to develope these "gifts/abilities", how often do we press in to what Christ wants to give us. Do we keep striving for the gifts God wants to give to us even when the people around us don't understand, when they put us down, when they call us crazy. These guys press on through these things, and some of them start to realise that they can help the people around them.
Is not that what we are meant to do with the Gifts Christ has given us, are we not suppose to use them to help the people around us, to allow Christ to work through those gifts to save the unsaved?
Pressing in with our relationship with Christ should be our number 1 goal, cause when we focus on Him, He will make things easy. Let me say that again, When Focused on Christ, HE WILL MAKE THINGS EASY. It is not by our striving that anything is done it is Christ, but we need to be focused on Him otherwise, Christ is not able to use us.
