Thursday, 11 October 2007

love for the hurting

A quote from a friend..."I know that being part of the church, means giving and not just receiving.... but i just don't have anything to give".
Now this person wasn't taking about money, or time. The person was talking more about love. How often do we expect people that are hurt, angry, or who are down trodden to act as "christians" and love others when they have been beaten down and so much taken from them emotionally, mentally, even physically, that they don't have anything left to give. So how are they supposed to give.... How are they meant to get back to a place where they are able to give?
This is only through them receiving love.... love from God ultimately,and healing from God..... however we have a place to play in it God needs/wants us to love them beyond measure.... cause that is how he loves them.

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