Friday, 5 October 2007

do not lose heart

I was doing my daily reading and reading from Luke 18, and the first thing that i read was
"Then Jesus told them a parable about their need to pray always and not to lose heart".
Which was awesome to read.... pray and don't lose heart. Even when you don't see the results, or see the growth, continue to pray, continue to be faithful. Don't be discouraged, but persistant... God hears your prayers. As i read the beginning of that chapter, i was reminded of when Daniel prayed and fasted consistantly for 24 days, before an angel appeared with a message for him.... It wasn't because God wasn't listening to Daniel, but that there was resistance in the spiritual realm which delayed the angel. Which is a good reminded that God does hear us, that sometimes there is just a resistance in the spiritual realm, that delays the response. Also sometimes the answer comes in a different way than what we were expecting it, so we don't reckonise it.
This was a great reminded for me, cause sometimes here at Gen1, i can start to feel discouraged, cause i haven't seen growth in our ministry. However, God reminds me that we are ploughing the ground and seeds are being planted. That we may not see it until the seedling breaks through the ground, then we will be able to see the growth.... until then the growth is hidden, but it is still there.
Lord grant us patience, and a faithful spirit


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