Wednesday, 31 October 2007

In the midst of the fight

The last few weeks i have been realising that i am difinately in the front lines of the Spiritual fight...
I have friends that used to follow Christ who have been wounded, by other or the enemy, and are now really struggling, a couple even saying that they don't know if God is really there... that is how badly wounded they have been... Also in the city a couple of weeks ago, there was a shooting about 10-15 min walk from my place, and with in that same week, in the same area, a baby was found dead in a bin of the toliets of a TAFE building... Then this past week i was walking down the street, and one of my aboriginal friends stopped me and said hi, and out of the blue, he said that there had been 14 murders/killings/deaths at Whitmore square over the years (this square is no more than 100metres from my place), that same day i was talking to someone that lives across the road of the day centre (a place where homeless people can come and hang out during the day) that is just near whitmore square and he was saying that drug dealers sit out side that place to sell drugs, and nothing is done about it, he also told me of some other stuff that happens close by there.
So i am trying to be there for my friends mentioned above, and just love and accept and praying for them.
Pray is the best... when i don't know what i am doing, suppose to do or say i just pray...
the last few days i have been praying heaps for my friends.... Praying that they won't believe the lies the enemy feeds them, praying for healing, and deliverance....
The last couple of days i haven't had very much sleep at all. And it is only through Christ that i am still able to go... Christ is the one that teaches me how to fight, He is the one that leads, He is the one that give the orders. Christ is the one that sustains me, and holds me so that i won't fall. So what else can i do, besides be obedient to His commands and follow His example.
I will continue to pray and lean on Christ alone... cause with out Him i am able to do nothing.

1 comment:

pete footer said...

I had no idea Adelaide was that bad. Praise God for what you are doing.