Friday, 5 October 2007

Jesus weeps

I was sitting at home tonight, and this guy walked pass my house.... However i heard him from about 100 metres coming up the road... over music....
This guys was yelling and cursing at the top of his voice, which continued as he went pass. As i was hearing him coming up the street and pass my place. i had a huge sense of sadness and compassion for him come over me... Also this guy was yelling out, being abusive from his hurt and his pain and Jesus knows his hurts and pains. Jesus knows all the little details of this guys heart/life and loves him, and weeps over him, Jesus longs for this guy to come to Him and hand over his hurts and pain, Jesus wants to take it from him and show him love and give him freedom.
Jesus longs to do this for all of us...
Jesus still weeps for Adelaide. There is so many people in Adelaide are hurt and in pain, however you just don't see it as much as in some other places. A lot of people here pretend they are ok, that they haven't been hurt. They bury the hurt, ignore it, until they become accustomed to it, and don't recognise it as hurt anymore, just a part of them. They don't see that this hurt has changed them. He knows what their full potential is, and that they aren't how He created them to be.
I know, cause i have done this with my hurts before, Jesus is slowly healing me of those hurts, and the behaviours that come from those hurts. Jesus has plans for my life, bigger than what i can imagine, and i say bring it on, bring on the healing. I want to be who He has made me to be.
I want to see the people of Adelaide living with Jesus, healed and set free, Lord please do it....

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