Saturday, 20 October 2007

Anti -poverty

On thursday I went to an Ecumenical prayer & reflection meeting for anti poverty.
it was one of the most structured prayer & reflection Meetings i have be to. It was good, tho.
I went cause one Of the guys from my cell was Sharing his 'story. from being on the street & now havin a place to stay and i wanted to Support him, he was really nervous. so it was cool to be there for him.

their was a NuMber of other cool things, that happened..
One of these was a prayer of confession, Which i'd Like to share -
Many things paralyse us, O God. There is dispar & fear, endless struggles for enough resources, Confusion & too many discussions Cause we'd rather stand still than make a mistake.
We often spend our energy Struggling over small things while the world groans in pain & the cries of the people are more than we can bear.
We Carry a heavy burden of guilt while you are waiting to forgive us & free US to lightness of heart &soul. the way seems hard & we are often weary, O God.
We come to youin humble faith, in weakness, smallness of hope, in vulnerable faith, we come before you, O God, and wait your renewing Spirit

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