Sunday, 1 April 2007

a powerful message at ACH

I went to ACH (Adelaid Congress Hall) this morning for their Sunday church service and it was good, (admittly i was late and missed some of the songs, but what i was there for was good). Anyway the Preach was on when Jesus went into the temple and tipped the trade tables, and drove the merchants out of the temple, saying that the temple was meant to be a place of prayer, and that they had made it into a den of thiefs, this story is found in Matthew 21:12-17. Before the scripture they had a reading, where it says something like - the temple ... (different persons) has comfortable chairs, people don't like to turn around and talk, it is for tradition, not for the loud music. (original person) The temple is a place for(different people) ... the well off, not for the homeless, the poor, it is good for the kids.
Majority of people in this meeting found this funny, as if they didn't reckonise that that sort of thing goes on in the church, like it was just unbelievable. However it brought me to tears, cause i have seen so much of that sort of stuff going on in the Church, where they are more focused on tradition then on the people in the community. I felt grief, and repented for any part that i had in any of that in the past.
In the sermon, the officer was saying that often we just see Jesus as the mild and meek Jesus. How ever this story shows a different side of Jesus, a side that is full of righteous anger. She proposed the question, which upset Jesus the most, the injustice of the markets where people were being ripped off, or the fact that these markets were in the part of the temple which was the only place that women and foriegners could come and worship, therefore there was no room for them to worship. She suggested it was both of these reasons that Jesus displayed this righteous anger.
Then the next question Which is good for us to ask, is what would Jesus do/say in our church buildings. Would He ask and test out the chairs to see if they are comfortable, or would He ask why have we got these chairs, where are the mattresses for the homeless of the city to come and sleep on in the night. Would He ask why we come in and sing all these happy joyful songs, when last night there was children that went to sleep hungry, abused, frightened.
Then she went further, what would Jesus say about our own lives, would we encounter the mild and meek Jesus or Jesus full of righteous anger if we allowed Him full access to our temples (our lives).
These are all good questions, may be we should stop and reflect and pray about them.


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