Monday, 23 April 2007

favour from God

Some people have been blessed by God with favour.
Ok let me explain, with combat training we gave them a sheet of paper with different things that they can do to challenge them to step out in faith, to step out of their comfort zones. One of the things on their list was to take a paper clip and swap it with someone for something of more value and to keep doing this with the items that they get. Then with the last item, we will auction it off and give the money to something like Operation 58, which raising money to build a children's home overseas (in short anyway).
So this morning i went with one of the people doing combat training to do this, and we walked into one of the shopping centres in the city and went into this book shop to ask if they would swap anything for this paper clip (well the person with me asked, SB). The lady at the counter said that we could choose a book from a certain table, well, we ended up swapping the paper clip for a book worth $9. We than went to JR surf, and SB asked them what they would swap for a paper clip, and the guy gave us 2 sets of bracelets that were marked down to $10 from $20. So from swapping 2 paper clips, we have a book worth $9 (which was marked down), and 2 Bracelets which together are worth $20 (marked down, $40 otherwise). How ever that was not the end of it. We went into another shop and asked them what they would swap us for the book, and we came out with 2 cushions that had been marked down, but the original price would of been $10 to $20 dollars each. So in the space of 30mins we ended up with 2 cushions worth $10 - $20 each, and 2 bangle sets worth $20 each. Praise the Lord for this blessing on SB, and she was saying on the way back "you don't know how easy that is for me". I praise God for people like SB, who God's favour rest upon, and things are acquired from the world for the Lord.
I'll let you know what we end up with from everyone doing the combat training challenge at combat training.
Praise the Lord,


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