Sunday, 22 April 2007

Combat training end of day 2

G'day, well we have finished the second day of combat training, the schedule has already been changed a little so that the ppl that come can get the most out of it as possible. All participants are taking up the challenges like doing a 2 to 5 am prayer room shift, a combat training challenge, which they were given the low down of it today, and they were all keen to do it. And if fact started some of the challenges.
Last night, well techniqually this morning i had a shift in the prayer room, and it was awesome, i had been tired all week, how ever i got a bit tired, but i didn't fall asleep, Praise God. That is not why it was an awesome shift tho. I started my shift praying about combat training and changes to the program that i had to make, and that didn't take me very long, PTL, I was a bit tired after that so i spent sometime relaxing in the Lord, and it seemed like ages, however it was only like 5 - 10 mins, it was really cool. I also worshipped, prayed and listen. The whole shift the word Freedom kept coming up, and i had a sense that Christ wants to see us fully free (which isn't new), but it was a sense that He wants to see us free in worship, and free from lots of different things. however we have opposition, the enemy doesn't want to see us free, cause he knows how dangerous we can be in Christ (we'll more Christ through us), and he doesn't want that to happen, cause he knows that he'll lose more ground. That was the simplified version.
Then tonight at the church service at ACH (adelaide congress hall), i had heaps of fun worshipping, it was great.
Anyway i should go, and get back to doing stuff, then going to bed, (i get to sleep all of tonight, Yay. I can't wait, i am a bit tired). :)
God bless,

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