Monday, 16 April 2007

do something

firstly, for those that are interested in knowing how my injuries from stacking my bike are going, they are healing nicely. My shoulder is still not 100% but i can lift my arm up to shoulder hieght, which is an improvement since Saturday. My house mates think that i should post the photos of my injuries on this blog, so that you can see them. So if you want to see what damage i did to my self when i stacked it let me know and i will post the photos, that one of my house mates took of it.

Any way, today i went to a senior first aid refresher course and a few things have changed since the last time that i did one (3 years ago). On thing that has changed is how we are to do CPR, you know the whole some one is unconcious and not breathing and has no pulse, then you have to do compressions and give them breath. Well in Australia the process for this used to be a bit confusing, cause there was different rates for different people, and it also depended on if there was one or two people giving CPR. So they have made it simpler, basically all we have to do is remember is if they are not breathing, we give them 2 breaths, and then 30 compressions. which is a lot easier to remember in emergencies, which is the whole point. The reason they changed it, was that people were getting stressed out if they had to perform CPR so much that they would do nothing, so they made it simipler so that people wouldn't stress about it, and then they would actually do it. You see they realised, that it is better for some one to do something, then do nothing.
How often do we think that we should do something about the injustices in the world, but we don't know what to do, or how to do it, so we do nothing. It is better doing something then nothing applies to this as well. Even if it is just signing the different declarations online, or telling your friends about the injustices that are going on around in your own community and around the world.
Also sometimes we as christians just start cruising along, and not doing much to develope their relationship with God, or get to a stage of not knowing what the next step is to have a deeper relationship with Christ If we are not disiplined in seeking after God, we get to a stage where we do nothing, our relationship then suffers. We can apply the same principle here, doing something is better than doing nothing. I have heard it said, it is easier to find which direction to go so that your following Christ, if you are infact moving. Cause Christ can turn you one way or another, and if you are moving you will see the results of that, you will see the direction. However if you are not doing any thing, standing still, it is hard to see where Christ turns you. Cause He can turn you, but you are still in the same place, and you don't noticed that Christ has pointed you in a direction. So i would encourage you to do something to develope your relationship with Christ, whether it be just Reading the Bible more, spending more time just to focus on Christ, whatever it is, if we do something Christ can direct us.

Hope that all made sense, it is a little late here, so i am going to bed now so that i will actually get up in the morning and get to work on time.

God bless


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