Thursday 2 July 2009

Isaiah 51

Last night, i was reading Isaiah 51, and vs 2 really stood out to me
1 “Listen to me, all who hope for deliverance—
all who seek the Lord!
Consider the rock from which you were cut,
the quarry from which you were mined.
2 Yes, think about Abraham, your ancestor,
and Sarah, who gave birth to your nation.
Abraham was only one man when I called him.
But when I blessed him, he became a great nation.”
I found these verses really encouraging, especially verse 2.
For often I feel alone in what God has called me to, and i a lot of the time i am doing the things He has called to me alone (well besides God). But Abraham didn't stay alone, when God blessed Him after calling Abraham, God made him into a great nation.
You see, I believe that there is something really great that God wants to do in Adelaide, a revial, a transformation , i don't know fully what it is or what it will look like, but it is big. And i am full of excitement and wonder about what God is wanting to do.
I think this is what Abraham would of been feeling like when God told him that he was going to become a great nation.
At times Abraham would be able to "see" it, or "sense" it, but he never actually saw it with his own physical eyes, he would just have this indescribable hope, and sense of excitement within him, which was from God.
Just like Abraham not being around to see the fulfillment of God's promise to make him into a nation... sometimes i think/feel as if i am not going to see the fullness of what God wants to do here, what He has been planning. Like at the moment i get glimpses of it at times. Then there are times where i see nothing and wonder if it is going to happen or if it was just my imagination. I think Abraham would of felt like that as well, but Abraham held on to the promise that God had given him, he made mistakes, but he still came back to God with a repentant heart, and stepped back into the promise God had given him.
I pray that i can be as faithful to God as what Abraham was.

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