Monday 19 March 2007

Awesome stuff

Some of you know that last year i went to Vancouver, and ended up helping out at battle school, which is an urban mission experience and training program for teenagers ran by The Salvation Army 614 Vancouver, in the Downtown Eastside. Battle school is ran yearly, the dates this year July 3rd til Aug 10th. But anyway, nowthat i have finished plugging battle schooll, i'll continue with the blog.
The reason for this blog is, i was reading one of the battle schoolers blog, she was sharing about something called "hands and feet". Read about it, i have pasted it below....

I stepped into a room last sunday and was met with an overwhelming movement of God. It came in the form of about 15-20 highschool students-- students looking for a way to serve God IN THEIR OWN COMMUNITY. But, I'm gonna be honest, I don't know how this is going to work. I am crazy busy, and we don't have a single adult who has volenteered to help. But, somehow, I know it's gonna work out. I really believe that God has a plan for this group. It's a big commitment too, we are meeting 3-4 times a week, two of the times are at 7:30AM! I was totally overwhelmed by all the people wanting to get involved when I walked into that first morning meeting. I had woken up that morning, exhausted from helping out at youth group the night before. All I kept thinking was how much I didn't want to go and lead the meeting, how I really didn't have time to take on another thing, and how there probably wouldn't be anyone there anyways. But I was so wrong! I walked in and saw 10 kids there! They were up, and awake, and so excited about practising drimes that I really realised : God's gonna use this in an amazing way!!! I suppose what I am trying to say is this: pray for us! Pray for our ministries, for ideas on what todo for ministries, pray for protection from the weapons of the enemy; descouragement, frustration, and gossip. Pray for the hearts of campbell river, that they would be softened to hear what we are trying to say. We chose a name, one that I think is amazingly fitting, and entirely God sent. We're calling it "Hands and Feet". -

Praise the Lord for these youth, and their God given vision for "Hands and Feet"

God Bless


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