Wednesday, 16 May 2007

We all have a purpose

G'day, sorry i haven't blogged for a while, i have been slack in this area lately.
Well what i would like to blogg today is that we all have a purpose, a God given desire and destiny. Some times this can be mind blowing, cause what God's plan for us sometimes sees us being and going out side our expetise/comfort zone, and in areas that we never saw our selves.
However, the thing with this is that we are weak in those areas, whether that be in knowledge, strength, or any other area. But it is in our weakness Christ can fully work. .... Cause it is then that we really need to rely on Christ to work through us, we don't do any thing off our own back, by ourselves.
Now for me this is sometimes hard, i have grown up doing the things that "i" can do, that i have a talent in, which is all good, but i fall into the risk of "doing things myself" and not relying or waiting to see/hear what Christ wants to do. However i know that when i am asked to do something that i think i am uncapable of doing, i tend to rely and wait on God more, i want to hear what He wants, cause His ideas are so much better then ours.
I am learning more and more that it is heaps more efficient if i wait to see/hear what God wants first, before i just jump in and do things. I have to be willing to step out of my comfort zone, willing to go to places that i thought i would never be, and follow Christ, cause it is in these times that good habits of coming to Christ and seeing what He wants done is developed, so that in the future, when we are back doing the things that we feel comfortable with, we will still come to Christ and ask Him what He wants done, and not rely on ourselves.

So i pray that I will become more and more dependant on Him, and that I will hear His voice and see things through His eyes, and see His plans more and more. Also that i will be come more and more willing to leave what ever He wants and go where ever He wants, and do what ever He wants me to do.

God bless.


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