Wednesday, 30 May 2007


Sorry, i haven't blogged for a while.... i have been busy, mainly working and doing things at Gen1.. And also i didn't really have anything to blog about...
Anyway, lately i have been reading Proverbs... it is a good book, there is so much wisdom/good advice in it... i have noticed that it talks a lot about the wise and the fool... and sort of compares them.... it also gives 7 things that the Lord hates....
these are (proverbs 6:16-19)
  1. Haughty (or lustful) eyes.
  2. A lying tongue
  3. Hands that kill the innocent
  4. a heart that plosts evil
  5. feet that race to do wrong
  6. a false witness who pours out lies
  7. a person who sows discord among others.

Now i am not sure about you, but for me some of these are easier not to do then others.... Like my hands have never killed the innocent...

But how many of us lie for a joke.... like someone asking us to do something and we say no, knowing that we will do it, or you play a prank on someone, and they ask if it was you, and you say no... or even when we do something nice for someone, and don't want them to know that it was us... and we lie to say that it wasn't.... i know i have been challenged. What about you.....

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