Wednesday, 30 May 2007

Proverbs again ....

Another awesome passage that hit home was from Proverbs 5:23-27, it says

"Above all else, guard your heart, for it affects everything you do. Avoid perverse talk; stay far from corrupt speech. Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you. Mark out a straight path for your feet; then stick to the path and stay safe. Don't get sidetracked; keep your feet from following evil"

How true ...


Sorry, i haven't blogged for a while.... i have been busy, mainly working and doing things at Gen1.. And also i didn't really have anything to blog about...
Anyway, lately i have been reading Proverbs... it is a good book, there is so much wisdom/good advice in it... i have noticed that it talks a lot about the wise and the fool... and sort of compares them.... it also gives 7 things that the Lord hates....
these are (proverbs 6:16-19)
  1. Haughty (or lustful) eyes.
  2. A lying tongue
  3. Hands that kill the innocent
  4. a heart that plosts evil
  5. feet that race to do wrong
  6. a false witness who pours out lies
  7. a person who sows discord among others.

Now i am not sure about you, but for me some of these are easier not to do then others.... Like my hands have never killed the innocent...

But how many of us lie for a joke.... like someone asking us to do something and we say no, knowing that we will do it, or you play a prank on someone, and they ask if it was you, and you say no... or even when we do something nice for someone, and don't want them to know that it was us... and we lie to say that it wasn't.... i know i have been challenged. What about you.....

Tuesday, 22 May 2007

late for work

in an attempt to get a little more sleep, and not wanting to get up, i reset my alarm (which originally went off at 6.30am), to 7am. The thing is i either didn't hear the alarm go off again or i turned it off while i was sleeping....
I woke up at 9am .... I am meant to be at work at 9am ... Needless to say i got up and got dressed and ran out the door ... i ended up being about 20mins late to work ... I praise God that my co worker for the day didn't care .... I praise God that we had to wait a bit once i got to work, to find out whether one of the guys we usually take out, was coming out or not - this meant, that even if i was on time we would have had to wait before we could start work.... I praise God for a relaxful morning at the movies (with work), cause the afternoon was just a full on rush ....
Praise God that we had new people at cell....
Praise God that no one was injured from a car accident that happen out side our place after cell, and the opportunity to chat with the people involved and show God's love, by helping out where we could....
anyway i need to go to bed now..... so that i don't sleep through my alarm again, and end up late for work again....
God bless you all

Sunday, 20 May 2007

Red Sheild Appeal.

The Red Sheild Appeal..... I love it...
whether it be standing at the shops collecting or door knocking .... I love it.

This year i have only door knocked. However i had an awesome time....
I'll tell you why i love doing the door knock for the red sheild.
You see the Red Sheild door knock gives you an opportunity to prayer walk the streets, to walk around the streets praising God and also you have opportunity to share God's love with people, if you are looking for the opportunity.

I want to tell you a story from my collecting experiences this weekend sharing how God used me to touch someone's life, and as an answer to prayer....
Well i was door knocking in my first block for the day, and at this particular house they had a screen door that you couldn't see through from the outside. I explained who i was to the lady who answered the door, and asked if she would like to give a donation. The lady said that she wasn't able to give, that she was a pensioner in a wheelchair. i felt prompted to ask her if there was any thing she wanted me to pray for, and she said yes, so she unlocked the screen door and i prayed with her...she was in tears. Then i had another prompting from the Holy Spirit to ask if there was anything else that i could do to help. Her response after a few minutes of quietness, was that she asked if i could pour coffee that she had made and heated in a saucepan on the stove, into a thermos so that it would stay warm and also so that she could pour it properly when she wanted some... Her hands were too shaky to do this her self...
Afterwards, she shared that part of the reason she was in tears when i knocked on the door was because she couldn't put the coffee into the thermos.... and that the timing of me coming was like that of an angel - So i praise God for using me and allowing me to have the privledge of taking part in His work..
She also said that she had been praying for an angel, someone to help here a little around the place, and also to take her for a walk...
So next time you have to knock on doors for the Red sheild appeal, or standing collecting somewhere, be open to the promptings of the Spirit and be obedient, see where God will lead you.


Friday, 18 May 2007

We are in a battle

More and more lately, i have been realising that we are in a battle, that there are skirmishes breaking out all over the place... This isn't a physical battle, it is a spiritual battle. Our enemy is satan and his followers... However if we are have a relationship with Jesus, we are on the winning side, PTL.
And a part of this skirmishes are because, spirit filled soldiers are sneaking into the enemies camp, on re-con orders from Christ. This orders are to go into the enemies camp and rescue people that the enemy has captured. These soldiers go in with Christ, and in Christ's authority and power.
The captives are people not in a relationship with Christ, however not only them, but also some of the church.... now the enemy tries to and sometimes succeeds in blinding the church, with tiredness, sleep and anything else that stops/holds us back from seeing God's plan, or that will blind us....
i think that is all for now....
bless ya

Wednesday, 16 May 2007

We all have a purpose

G'day, sorry i haven't blogged for a while, i have been slack in this area lately.
Well what i would like to blogg today is that we all have a purpose, a God given desire and destiny. Some times this can be mind blowing, cause what God's plan for us sometimes sees us being and going out side our expetise/comfort zone, and in areas that we never saw our selves.
However, the thing with this is that we are weak in those areas, whether that be in knowledge, strength, or any other area. But it is in our weakness Christ can fully work. .... Cause it is then that we really need to rely on Christ to work through us, we don't do any thing off our own back, by ourselves.
Now for me this is sometimes hard, i have grown up doing the things that "i" can do, that i have a talent in, which is all good, but i fall into the risk of "doing things myself" and not relying or waiting to see/hear what Christ wants to do. However i know that when i am asked to do something that i think i am uncapable of doing, i tend to rely and wait on God more, i want to hear what He wants, cause His ideas are so much better then ours.
I am learning more and more that it is heaps more efficient if i wait to see/hear what God wants first, before i just jump in and do things. I have to be willing to step out of my comfort zone, willing to go to places that i thought i would never be, and follow Christ, cause it is in these times that good habits of coming to Christ and seeing what He wants done is developed, so that in the future, when we are back doing the things that we feel comfortable with, we will still come to Christ and ask Him what He wants done, and not rely on ourselves.

So i pray that I will become more and more dependant on Him, and that I will hear His voice and see things through His eyes, and see His plans more and more. Also that i will be come more and more willing to leave what ever He wants and go where ever He wants, and do what ever He wants me to do.

God bless.


Sunday, 6 May 2007


last night i watched a movie called "human trafficking". This is a really powerful movie, it does a good job to bring awareness to the problem of human trafficking, and the different ways that people are lerwd into it. It also shows what they go through, and the fear tatics that the traffickers use to keep the girls working. This films finishes with a good outcome for the girls trapped, and with justice, for the traffickers are either killed or are arrested, however this isn't the case for most people that have been caught up in this industry.
I would advise watching it, how ever be warned it isn't for the faint hearted, it may leave you in tears,
Here a link to info on the movie


Thursday, 3 May 2007

The Greatest Power on the Earth

This is a chapter of a book that i am reading at the moment, I have only read one chapter of it (if that, but what i have read has been good). I would like to share with you a couple of paragraphs from the beginning of the book.
There is more power in a single Christian than in all of the armies on the face
of the earth. This truth will become known throughout the earth before the end
of this age. God dwells in His people and when His people come to know this as
living truth rather than doctrine, the world will then know this truth also. The
emerging generation has been has been infected with a desire for the
supernatural. The most popular books, movies and television shows almost all
deal with supernatural powers. Most of these are attempts to attract people to
sorcery and other forms of evil, but the Lord is going to use this for His own
So when you watch movies and tv shows, or read books that have themes of supernatural power, allow them to ignite in you a passion to see God's power fully at work on this earth through His followers. For God is able to do so much more than what the writers of these books, movies and shows can ever think of. Rick Joiner agrees, he writes, later in his book
...The power He has already given to His church is much greater than anything
Satan can duplicate with his counterfeits. When the church awakens to the power
that the Lord has given to her, even the wildest imaginations in Hollywood will
not be able to compete with the reality that God's people are going to
experience. Just as the multitudes flocked to Jesus, the multitudes are going to
come to the church which walks in what God has given to her, giving the people
true bread from heaven.
So Yeah, lets be a people longing to see God's full power explayed on the earth, let's be willing for God to work His power through us. Let's pray for it, not that we would get the reckonition but that God's glory would be revealed upon the earth, that His Kingdom comes, that His will be done here on earth as it is in Heaven. And That People will see the Glory of Christ and be saved. Amen Lux

Praise the Lord for Rain

Praise the Lord for Rain, i love it.
From Wednesday 25th April to Monday 30th April, Adelaide has had 71mm of rain, which makes this pass April the wettest since 2000 when they had 88mm for the entire month, not just over 4 days. Because of this rain, our reservoirs, (dams) are 2% higher then what they were last week.
This rain has also meant that farmers have been able to sow their winter crop

This rain is from God, it didn't rain too heavy or to lightly it was just the right amount consistently. Let me explain. Because most of Australia has been in drought, all the ground had become really hard and dry, so if the rainfall was heavy, it would just run off the ground with out the soil absorbing it, it would of also washed away the precious top soil that the farmers need to plant their crops in. The rain fall at exactly the right rate so that it would be absorbed and still have a descent rainfall. It has been a few years that i have seen consistent rainfall for 3 to 4 days, (well it broke for a few hours each day).
I was talking with some friends and we realised there would be kids around in Australia that haven't seen that much rain before.

So i just Praise God for the rain, and say bring on more, please, (in fact it has rained a bit tonight already, that is what prompted me to make this blog).

Anyway i pray that God will send His rain, physical rain to the places that need it, but a spiritual rain everywhere.


Wednesday, 2 May 2007


Can i just say first of all, that i really really like this movie.

Now there is a couple of reasons for why i enjoy this movie a lot.
The most simple reason is just because it is a good movie, and is made really well.
Then the other reason is that there are so many good quotes about life, and some really good analogies for living with Christ.

For Example, when Eragon and Serphia are completely one, they can see as one and Eragon can fight from anywhere on Serphia, even on her tail. Which relates well to our life in Christ, when we are in a full relationship with Christ we will have Christ's eyes, we will see how He sees, we will see people through His eyes.

Also at one point when Eragon wants to go save someone by Himself, Serphia says that "our strength is strongest when we are together" and Eragon responds by saying that he has to do it Himself and that they truly can't be one til he is as strong as Serphia. Can you see the resemblance to the our relationship with Christ, how often do we say to Christ that we have do to this our selves. Where as we will grow more, and have more strength when we do things with Christ and allow Him to work through us. Too often we buy in to the lie that the enemy feeds us, saying that we can't fully be with Christ until we have sorted ourselves out. But the truth is in Christ we have strength, even when we don't have all our crap sorted out. It is awesome, God wants to work through us even when we still have crap to deal with, however God doesn't want to leave us in that crap, He wants to help us through it, He wants to heal us, and make us into what He originally designed us to be.

Another good quote in the movie was - a leader is chosen because of his heart.

there was a number of other things, that was really good from the movie, however i don't really have time to share more, it is time for me to go to work.

God bless
