Can i just say first of all, that i really really like this movie.
Now there is a couple of reasons for why i enjoy this movie a lot.
The most simple reason is just because it is a good movie, and is made really well.
Then the other reason is that there are so many good quotes about life, and some really good analogies for living with Christ.
For Example, when
Eragon and
Serphia are completely one, they can see as one and
Eragon can fight from anywhere on
Serphia, even on her tail. Which relates well to our life in Christ, when we are in a full relationship with Christ we will have Christ's eyes, we will see how He sees, we will see people through His eyes.
Also at one point when
Eragon wants to go save someone by Himself,
Serphia says that "our strength is strongest when we are together" and
Eragon responds by saying that he has to do it Himself and that they
truly can't be one til he is as strong as
Serphia. Can you see the resemblance to the our relationship with Christ, how often do we say to Christ that we have do to this our selves. Where as we will grow more, and have more strength when we do things with Christ and allow Him to work through us. Too often we buy in to the lie that the enemy feeds us, saying that we can't fully be with Christ until we have sorted ourselves out. But the truth is in Christ we have strength, even when we don't have all our crap sorted out. It is awesome, God wants to work through us even when we still have crap to deal with, however God doesn't want to leave us in that crap, He wants to help us through it, He wants to heal us, and make us into what He originally designed us to be.
Another good quote in the movie was - a leader is chosen because of his heart.
there was a number of other things, that was really good from the movie, however i don't really have time to share more, it is time for me to go to work.
God bless