Tuesday 9 June 2009


It seems every year in the second half of the year i go through some sort of change in my circumstances... and this year looks like it is not going to be any different.  It looks like things in Adelaide are going to change... there is a high possibility of if at any rate.
In some ways i am so sick of change, and i am starting to hate having to nearly start again, it is to point that sometimes i want to throw my hands up and give in.
Ministry here, has been a process of get to know people and share with people, and then it all changes and the process starts again.... I have seen so many people come and go, both workers (each year different people helping out) and also guys on the street (there are only about 3 or 4 people that i know out at the soup run that have been going there since i started going there).
So with the changes that might be happening, i don't really know what i am meant to be doing, whether, i still stay or whether i am to move on too... I am praying that the Lord shows me... and just trusting Him, that He'll guide me, cause i just don't know.  I would love your prayers to.
At the moment i just feel lost with it all, as i only found out tonight of the possible changes, and nothing is certain at the moment... so there is a chance that things might stay the same.
As you can probably tell, this is all pretty fresh in my head... so sorry if it is all over the place.

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