Friday 6 March 2009


the other week when i decided that i would not watch tv, or get on the internet, and spend more time with God, reading His word, and other books that i can learn from.
I found that i started to have dreams ... that i remembered more often, which was awesome.  Some of those dreams didn't seem to have a meaning, they were just fun, others did... 
It is awesome that when we take time out for God, He is faithful... He reveals stuff to us, if we are willing to hear.  Not to say that God doesn't talk to us other times... sometimes we become to caught up in the things around us, to pay attention to what God is say... and i am thankful that God doesn't give up on us... no matter how many times we don't listen... He is always right there, when we open our ears to hear, and eyes to see, what Christ wants to tell us.

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