Some 3733 people have registered with the Red Cross after evacuating their properties... there are some amazing stories of survival... which can be read here...http://www.news.com.au/adelaidenow/story/0,22606,25026484-5006301,00.html
However all of these numbers are expected to rise when the police, fire services and military people are able to get into areas that are still unsafe to enter.
What makes these fires worst, it is believed that some of the fires were lit intentionally...
This map shows areas where fires have been burning, and has some of the story of what has happened there http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?moduleurl=http://www.google.com/mapmaker/mapfiles/s/mapplet.xml&ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&ll=-38.09566,145.717163&spn=3.155651,4.921875&z=8&msid=109203007921677191325.00046263080421b8a97d7
500 Volunteer firefighters have been coming from nsw, tas and nsw to help put out the fires... At the moment there is cool weather in Victoria, which is helpful to get the fires under control, however fire fighters have only til the weekend to have these fires under control, cause it is forecast for hot weather, which than create similar condition to this past weekend when the fires took hold.
So please pray for all who have lost family, friends, property, possession, for those that are fighting the fires, and all that are on the front lines providing support for both the victims of the fire and the firefighters.
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