Wednesday, 30 July 2008

different ways of ministring to others

This week has been awesome, and challenging all in one.
I have had to step out of my comfort zone, and confront a couple of people about where they are at.... I have had to ask for help... cause i am on my own at Gen1 at the moment, i am trusting God to bring someone else along to help lead Gen1. Cause i know God's not done here. I have also started a mail out of praise point and prayer requests for Gen1, which has been good, having that coverage of prayer... if you are interested in recieving these and praying for me and Gen1, just leave a comment, and email, and i will get back to you.
Awesome cause Christ has been using me to minister to different people in different ways. Here's some ways how.
We had an awesome spirit lead cell last night. On friday I was priveledged to help put up a tent in the parklands for a couple of people to stay in, then one monday i was previleged to pray with one of them. I have had the opportunity to chat with people in front of my place for about 1/2 to an hour, and share Christ with them. Got to chat with someone with an heorin addiction, but who genuinely whats to get off it, and had the previlege to share Christ with him.
I have met a number of people who are wanting to change and are doing something about it. i have met others that are wanting things to change, however they don't know where to start, and don't have any friends that are a good influence, so i got to offer friendship t them, and said that if they need to chat, just come and knock on the door, if i am home i will chat and hang out with them.
I also got to listen to someone, which made them feel worth while, cause i just sat and listened and didn't offer the advice that friends or even professionals have offered to him.... He just wanted to be heard.
Looking back over what i have typed, i have realised that there are many different ways that Christ uses us to impact the people around us. It is really cool, cause it is not me... it is Christ, if it was just me, i probably wouldn't of done half the stuff that is typed here...
So i just want to praise God for the awesome week, and that He uses me, who hasn't got everything together, but is just willing to be used.

Jesus bring on more transformation in me and in Adelaide.

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