Wednesday, 25 June 2008

interesting cell/night

We had an interesting night at cell last night. There was 3 of our regulars, plus the mother (who could only stayed for 30mins) of Z (one of our cell mates) and Z's son plus me. At the begining of cell things were just all over the place... Z's mum was sharing about her father, and said that we could pray for him. In her sharing, we got into a conversation about children's homes and people who grew up in them, and the report that government did on the old children's homes... You see her Father grew up in a Childrens home, and he has always been a fairly controlling person, and distant from love... like he was scared to love. We talked about this for a while realising that people who have been abandoned often end up being scared to love, or let people close, cause they don't want to be hurt like that again, so they distant themselves.
After that we went on with our normal cell group stuff, and it was really interesting, people just decided to leave at different times, like Z's mum left cause she had a meeting to go to, someone else left cause their knee was hurting to much, then just before we finished, another guy had to go cause he was meeting a friend... so i got to talk one on one with Z and share with her, and answer her questions. Than as we we were praying, a lady (G) out the front (who had been asleep there earlier) was crying out for help... so we went out and sat with her for a bit and got her some food and soft drink (soda). Z had to go.. so that left me out the front sitting with this lady til her friend (K) came. However he had to go do some stuff, and said that he'd be back in 30 mins, so i sat with her, chatted with her.... She was depressed and thinking of killing herself, so i sat out side talking with her for approx 2 hours, and her friend hadn't come back... She decided to leave, i couldn't stop her. she was more coherrent, at that point than when i first went out. However she still wasn't well. I pray that Christ will look after her, and protect her.

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