Well this week I have been on Camp…. Revolution youth councils Camp (South Australia Division). It was a great time the majority of the time. A number of things went wrong that the leaders had to deal with, RC and SB with the assistance of the other leaders did an awesome job. We saw God’s provision when these problems were fixed, including 2 industrial heaters for free, and new blankets $10ea.
The camp was really good. There was a number of youth that gave up, on again off again relationship with God, came to know Jesus for the first time, showed interest in becoming junior/senior soldiers and officers, and on Wednesday night there were a number delivered and healed by Christ. I praise God for the work that He has done throughout the whole camp... God is Good
Thursday was suppose to be the 2nd last of camp, however it became the last day when camp had to be cancelled with a 5th of the camp becoming unwell with a gastro bug... over 21 people had the bug before they left the camp, and I have heard of a few more getting sick since then… The team of “healthy leaders” pulled together and worked well together in this crisis… and things ran fairly smoothly considering the circumstances. The campers had been quarantined into three different groups… the guest speakers split up and took a group each then went from one group to the next preaching up a storm, as a result a few more were saved. Hallelujah.
I have had someone from the street staying with me since last Friday, she was at the house by herself during the week, so when I got home I caught up with her.
Also I found out today, I have a couple of new squatters living out the front of my place, a couple of indigenous people… One I have know for 2 years.
So things here are interesting…. Please continue to pray for Gen1.
7 years ago
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