Saturday, 26 April 2008

Well yesterday in my blog, I said that I had 2 people squatting out the front of my place… I told them that they are welcome to stay there, just keep the front area tidy.
Today when I went out the front, they had tidied up that area and had their stuff packed to the side.
Later on one of them came to my door, and gave me an iron and also $20, which I tried to refuse, but they wouldn’t take no for an answer. They wanted to bless me out of the little that they had, cause they were staying out the front…
Seriously, I haven’t done much… but they think so….
May God fully bless them and keep them warm as they sleep out there…
It seems that this house, when Gen1 meets is becoming a safe haven, whether it is inside the walls or just out the front.
There is so many more people that I know that are sleep rough in Adelaide, and it sucks, that I can’t help them, cause most of them are guys.
I also know a number of guys that aren’t sleeping rough, but are in boarding houses/hostels, that are looking for work, however they are not able to get much, or people won’t give them a chance, cause they have been in prison, some even get rejected cause they are on the street…. We need Salvo people (even just Christians) to rise up that either already own companies or to start a business to give these guys a second chance… If we as Christians don’t who will… And it would be an awesome chance to mentor these people when they are released from jail.
So if you know a Christian who owns their own business, challenge them to that idea… if they are interested and are in Adelaide, I can find people that will work…
If you challenged by God to start your own business, seriously think about it… I will find you workers…


Friday, 25 April 2008

Revolution camp and more

Well this week I have been on Camp…. Revolution youth councils Camp (South Australia Division). It was a great time the majority of the time. A number of things went wrong that the leaders had to deal with, RC and SB with the assistance of the other leaders did an awesome job. We saw God’s provision when these problems were fixed, including 2 industrial heaters for free, and new blankets $10ea.
The camp was really good. There was a number of youth that gave up, on again off again relationship with God, came to know Jesus for the first time, showed interest in becoming junior/senior soldiers and officers, and on Wednesday night there were a number delivered and healed by Christ. I praise God for the work that He has done throughout the whole camp... God is Good
Thursday was suppose to be the 2nd last of camp, however it became the last day when camp had to be cancelled with a 5th of the camp becoming unwell with a gastro bug... over 21 people had the bug before they left the camp, and I have heard of a few more getting sick since then… The team of “healthy leaders” pulled together and worked well together in this crisis… and things ran fairly smoothly considering the circumstances. The campers had been quarantined into three different groups… the guest speakers split up and took a group each then went from one group to the next preaching up a storm, as a result a few more were saved. Hallelujah.
I have had someone from the street staying with me since last Friday, she was at the house by herself during the week, so when I got home I caught up with her.
Also I found out today, I have a couple of new squatters living out the front of my place, a couple of indigenous people… One I have know for 2 years.
So things here are interesting…. Please continue to pray for Gen1.


Sunday, 20 April 2008

great book....

Also i have finished reading a great book about God's movement through the aboriginal people of Australia from the late 70's to the mid 80's mainly.... then a little from the 90's to early 2000's. it was awesome to read the stories of how God touched them and started a revial through north and central australia, starting with one tribe and then flowing out to other tribes who used to be enemies.... Telling of stories of nearly whole towns coming to Christ, and the crime/sickness/injuries in the towns dropping dracistically, so much so the police station some of the towns were thinking of closing their doors. This guys lived out the Great commission of going and preaching the word of God, and Mark 16:17 and 18 was real for them.
17 And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my
name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18 they
will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will
not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will
get well
.... It was like reading Acts from the bible, but it was here in Australia, in the Outback.
I don't have the book with me, and i can't remember the name of it. it is something like "revial in the outback", i'll check and blog the name properly when i get a chance.


Well, this week has been a good week... we had another new person at cell which was awesome... there was four there on Tuesday. However we were also missing a few people, if everyone came we would have had about 9 people there, which is very cool.
One of the regulars from cell hasn't been there the last couple of weeks, so i went out looking for him... i found him, he is doing ok, just busy. So i am praying that he will come this Tuesday.
On Friday i met a lady a little older then my self and didn't have anywhere to stay, and looked scared and out of place on the street. So i invited her to stay at my place. Which has been interesting living with a person i don't know for a weekend. She has been ok so far.
Tomorrow i head to Camp... I am excited about it. Aaron W and Stephen C are two of the guest speakers, also one of the guys that i met on the street last week is coming along, which i think is awesome, and it is really awesome that this guy is really excited about going to camp, even tho the only person he knows that will be there is me... I am excited about what God is going to do at this camp... i can't wait for the nights of not much sleep followed by a day of worshipping God, teaching and fun and it all to repeat for 4 days.... I will blog after camp as well.
But for now i should go, and get a good nights sleep before the nights of not much sleep start.


Saturday, 12 April 2008

great weekend, so far.

Well, i still have a squatter (G)out the front, he is really nice. G has completely cleaned up the front area, cut back the vines so that they are not just fully over grown and swept, one of G's friends helped him and they are going to fix the fence as well. G has also offered to fix the puncher in my bike tire. I had a great chat with him today, he told me that he has had in interview for a 3 month lease in one of the Westcare houses and is just waiting to hear.... so pray that he gets it, cause he doesn't want to stay on the street.
Last night i went to the soup run, yet again, and got to catch up with a couple of the guys that i know, and then the first person after that i went to talk with, we got talking about what i do, and about Gen1, and he said that he was interested in coming... so i gave him a card, and invited him, he is planning on coming.
Today after i had a chat with G, i went down to ACH (Adelaide Congress Hall) to try and catch up with some other street friends. ACH put on a lunch for street guys and people not to well off, once every 3 or 4 months, and today was that day. So i got there early and sat around chatting with some of the guys, before the doors were opened... Once they were opened and everyone had sat down, i went around to the guys that i knew chating up with them and seeing how they were going... I sat down with one of the guys and had a meal... coudos to the cooks, it was awesome.... chicken, baked potatoes and punkin, with boiled peas, corn and carrot. Apple pie with custard and icecream for dessert. We were served by people from the Corps, which included some of the youth, and then they came and joined a table to eat and chat with people.
It was a great time of meeting people and getting to know people and seeing these guys fully enjoy the community.
Walking down the street (well actually in Target), i saw another friend... this one i didn't expect to see wandering the shops of adelaide, as the last time i heard about her, she was in Canada as an officer, so i got to catch up with her as well, she's on furlough and visiting relatives.
Now i am off home (i am sitting in the mall), after spending the day wandering the city.

Wednesday, 2 April 2008


For over a week I have had a guy squatting out the front of my place… I had never met or even seen him til today.
It has been raining today, and it was pouring down this morning, praise the Lord, we needed the rain, and it was awesome waking up to the sound of rain on the tin roof. Since it was raining so much, the squatter hadn’t left as early as he usually does, and I had a day off, and was going out the front to check the mail, and I got to met him, and talk to him for a bit, it was awesome.
This guy is a friend with one of the guys that came along to our cell 2 years ago before he went to Qld to rebuild his relationships with his family. They were in Towards Independence (a rehab type program) together. The Squatter knew that his friend used to come here for a meal and cell, and thought it was a safe place to squat.

It is really cool, that the connections and impact that we made 2 years ago is evident today. A lot of the time we don’t see the impact and the results of us living here, and talking to people.
Throughout the last couple of years we have seen our cell group grow, and then go back to 3 a few times, when this happens, it becomes discouraging, and it is easy to wonder whether we are meant to still be here.
However, God is still working here, and working through us, even though we don’t always see the work, this squatter is a reminder of that.
Also at the moment it is growing again, we had 5 at cell last night. Which was awesome, Praise the Lord.