Tonight i went out to the soup run as usual.
As i arrived a cop car was arriving, this means that there has already been a bit of trouble there. It had quietened down before they got there. However not long afterward a bit of a fight broke out again.... This is the first time that i have seen this much trouble for ages (if ever).
There were a number of new faces there, and a large group of aboriginals... the fight was among the aboriginals, from what i can gather it seemed if one group didn't approve of a guy that one of the girls were hanging out with, she told them to leave him along, and they then turned on her.
I have been reading a bit about the aboriginal culture here. They are known as not being aggressive (unless drunk), but in my reading this isn't true. There traditional culture is simular to Old Testimony culture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, so if someone offends them they fight. If a woman cheats on her man, she can be bashed. Also a man could have many wives.
This volience comes out more when they are drunk, just like whites.
Now don't get me wrong i know a lot of great Aboriginal people, i used to climb the back fence as a kid when mum wasn't home, to go and hangout with an aboriginal family. (The father taught me the basics of how to box). So i have a soft spot for theses people, and so does God.
The book i am reading tells of a spiritual revial that happened in the north of Aus, within the Aboriginal people. The stories of what God did are amazing, people talking in tounges and people understanding, many healings, deliverance, it's awesome to read, many were being saved and experiencing Christ, both aboriginals and whites... There are also stories of how God was working in the aboriginal people before white man came, how they saw a man shining in light who raised a dead man, (can't remember the other stories, i might blog some later, when i have the book with me). God has a plan for these people, there have even been prophecies of world wide revial starting with them.
After reading this sort of stuff, it isn't suprising that the aboriginals are some of the most bound and afflicted by the enemy people in Australian, and so many whites think that they are beyond help, or they are just trouble.
So please pray for the aboriginals here, pray that they will once again experience God's love and power, (some for the first time others for a second or third time)
If these people came to Christ and get freedom from addictions, and fully change in Christ, the rest of Australia would notice and will be questioning what has made them change, and will not be able to deny the power and love of Christ. Cause the only reports people hear of Aboriginal people are bad, beside the odd one or two of sporting achievements.
On another note, i was talking with one of my friends from the soup run, and it ended up saying with him saying that he wanted to start going to church, so i got to invite someone esle to cell, so i pray that he remembers and comes.
And on the way home i got to talk to another guy briefly about Christ. He was fairly drunk, however God can still speak to him and impact him.
So i pray that Christ will do His work. and i praise him for using me for some of it.
7 years ago
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