Tonight on my way home, i walked through Whitmore Square, and i saw a mate of mine, He was drunk per usual, i went over to say g'day. I then met the friend he was with... and heard a little of his story. He had got out of jail today, he was there for 7 months, cause he hit a bus driver and took some of the cash, cause the bus driver missed his stop by six stops and the bus driver tried to stab him. (not 100 % how true the story was) This guy handed himself in, the day before his birthday.
So he got out of jail today at 4pm, and was suppose to be set up in a house somewhere, but by the time he got into town it was too late, for the workers to get him set up... (What's with that, you think that it would be for the best interest of everyone for someone getting out of jail to be set up somewhere, off the streets, even if it is so that they have less of a opportunity to get back into old habits). So with it to late to get set up in a house, he has no where to stay at the moment, cause by the time that he found that out, it would of already to late to get a bed at St Vincent, they start accepting people in the afternoon. The only place left where he could stay is the sobering up unit, however you have to be "drunk" to get in
If this is the case, what incentive does someone getting out of jail have to start straight, that alone stay straight.
This is the first story that i have heard personally of this sort of thing happening, however i don't think it is an isolated case.
I came home, and think it is so unfair, that this sort of thing shouldn't happen here.
but i also think it is unfair, that i am living in this nice house, when the people that i want to reach for God, either don't have a place or it is at least a lot smaller. I would love to open the doors of this house to anyone that i met on the street, that have no place to stay, and let them stay here. Whether on a bed, or the floor, at least it is warm (especially now that the nights are getting a bit colder) and it is dry. However i have been taught that it is not safe in doing that, and the majority of people that i meet are males, which would make it not above reproach either.
I know that there is a bit of a safety issue in me opening up the house for people to stay, especially since i am now here by my self. But that doesn't stop me from feeling this way....
I don't want a house... with this place i feel as if i am still someone trying to reach these guys from the outside, from my comfortable life, doing my good turn for those less fortunate.
I would be more happy in a single unit or studio place (at the moment i would rather sleep on a matress on the floor, than one of beds here). I don't want to live a comfortable lifestyle (in the world's sense at least, i would probably find it actually uncomfortable). i want to live in Jesus' footsteps, and follow Him, and go where He would go and live where He would live.
Any way it is time to get some sleep... got work tomorrow.
7 years ago
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