Well since this is my first blog for 2008, i thought i would begin with reflecting on 2007
A lot of things happened...
I have seen friends come and go from our cell group and some stayed...
Housemates have moved in and moved out...
Been to New Zealand... travel approx 700km there in 6 days (and not in a car)
Saw some beautiful countryside.
Ran a training program - Combat training
Been to Vancouver and helped with Battle School
And just helped and hung out there for a while after.
Went camping
Seen friends move to Vancouver....
Spent time with friends on the Gold Coast.
Seen spiritual grow in a number of my friends..
Seen at least 5 friends that became Senior Soldier.
Been to Melbourne at least 3 times.
Seen spiritual growth in my self...
I Praise God for the work that He has done in me over the past year, it has been really cool... And His gentle proding and calling me to step up more... this is one thing that i have been realising over the few months of the year... You see, i am used to someone else being the leader, and leading the charge.... and i just got alone side them and helped... God has been calling me to step up.... to lead people to Him, closer to Him.... I don't know how to, but i am learning, and there is a lot for me to learn from God on this....
Some of my friends say that i have an impact on the people around me.... i don't always see how, cause to me i don't do much.... so i know that any impact i have is because of Christ... However i sometimes take the credit/praise, instead of giving the credit/praise to God.... And then when i realise that i have been taking the credit/praise.... I start to question my motives in why i do some of the simiplest things. Whether i do them cause i really care about a person, or do i do them just in order to feel like people love me.... And then fall into where the enemy wants me... worried about why i am doing things, and not wanting to do things in the wrong motive and also wanting to do God's will, and nothing that isn't of Him..... and therefore sometimes not doing anything at all....
We can't just sit and do nothing.... that is what the enemy wants us to do...
You see, if we are doing nothing, the Gospel isn't being preached, there is no praying, there is no one to look out for and loving the people on the fringe of society.... We are called to do something... to preach the good news to the world, to share it, to love one another.... These are things that everyone is called to do, and can do... You see preaching the good news doesn't mean that you have to stand up on a platform and preach a sermon (tho some are called to that). It means for us to go out and share the good news with our friends, family, and people that we meet.... Now you don't need to know the bible like the back of your hand, you just have to answer one question... What has God done in your life...
A lot people (in the Western World at least) have heard about Jesus and His story, and they don't think that the story is relevent to them or even this current era... However Your story they haven't heard.... they haven't heard what Christ has done in Your life... They can't argue with your experience, with your story...
so don't just do nothing, at least you can tell your story... that is enough to have the enemy shaking in his boots....
this blog has changed focus as i typed.... and has become a little long.... Sorry...
Anyway I pray that God will fully bless you in 2008, may you to step up into what God is calling you to...
7 years ago
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