Friday, 21 December 2007

The Bee movie

I went and saw the bee movie with work lately... It was a fun movie i enjoyed it...
However the movie was also a great reminder that we need each other, and need to work together and do the things that we were created to do...
You see in the movie the bees stopped making honey cause they had enough... and after a while everything started to die, flowers, fruit trees, veggies, which then effected everyone else...
And it is true, we have all been created for a purpose... God has given us all different gifts, and when we all work together, things run, God is glorified not us, cause we only do a small part for God. However when we don't work where God wants us, using the gifts He has given us, we find ourselves bumping into people more, and more friction, cause we are focusing on ourselves and our work being taken advantage of and others getting glory and not us... God gets pushed out, the big picture of everyone working together, like God created us to do, has been pushed out and replaced with a narrow view and only seeing a tiny part of the big picture.
One of my mates suggested in a blog to go out side at night and stare gaze, and realise how small you are in God's creation.... (her suggestion was to do with over coming excessmas during this christmas), but it is a great idea inlight of this blog as well... The universe is huge, and the way God created it is awesome, the way everything is interlocked, relying on something else to survive.
As the Church we are interlocked as well, the things that we do effect other parts of the Church...
How is your life effecting the Church...


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