Thursday, 15 November 2007

Summer heat.

Well it is summer now in Australia..... and in Adelaide we have nearly had our first fully week of temptures above 32 degrees.... Today it got up to 34 degrees celious and at the moment it is 31 degrees and it is nearly 6pm...... and it is going to stay above 32 until after tuesday....
This means a few things... 1. I may loose a couple of days of work (i was already cancelled today). 2. My place will get hot inside... therefore not having any relief from the heat... It is usually hot inside after the 3rd or 4th day of consective days of hot weather...
By the way for those that don't know Adelaide, this is a dry heat.... and we can often have dust storms, from northly winds that come off the desert that is easily a couple of hundred of Kms away....
I don't what it is with hot weather.... but my body doesn't want to do anything, except hid away inside somewhere where it is cool.... the beach is appealing... but not fun by oneself....
It is on these days where i have to be more disciplined, to spend time one on one with God. And sometimes it seems to hard.... Then i am reminded that i am with God where ever i am, and He loves to spend time with me.... And i love it as well, i just have to get over that first part of making my body to get behind my spirit, and not allow my body to control my life.... This body behind spirit thing can be hard at times, especially when we are starting to enforce it... however the rewards are great and awesome.... It brings us closer into a deeper relationship with Christ. I am longing to come into deeper and deeper relationship with Christ, each day, and to know Him more and more each day. That i will experience Christ love, freedom, grace and power more and more every day...... That people will see Christ in me when they meet me, that i would be His faithful vessel....
Anyway i'm going, writing this has stirred me up to spend some time with Christ.

May God reveal Himself to you more and more.


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