Wednesday, 28 March 2007


Today i have realised that i have been buying into some stuff that the enemy has been feeding me. Ok, let me explain.
Lately at times i have been fully wondering if i am where i am meant to be, where God wants me, (which in itself isn't bad, especially when i know that i am only to be at Gen1 for a season). However i have spent quite a bit of time dwelling on this, and what God wants me to be doing, trying to work it out. As i was worshipping and praying tonight, i was praying about being a watchman in prayer (which i know God has called me to), and asked God what i need to pray for, God brought someone to mind, for me to pray protection over them, protection from attacks of the enemy, cause this person is charge of a few things that are happening over the next couple of weeks, that will have an impact for the kingdom of Jesus Christ. A little bit after i was praying that, i had the revelation that i am in the lead up of organising a training program, which would have an impact on this Generation for Christ. And these thoughts of am i where i am meant to be, are an attack from the enemy, i bought into the lie that i have to work it out, when all i had to do was ask Jesus. These thoughts are stopping me from praying into this program, from asking Jesus what He wants taught, what He wants us to do, and who He wants to use to teach through. This has been making me confused, a little worried/stressed with stuff, and feeling a little down, but mainly confused.
So i repented of listening to the enemy, and started praying into this training program, at the moment it is being called "combat training", and just a peace came over me, peace about where i am at the moment, and with combat training. Praise the LORD
I hate the enemey, he knows that i just want to be where God wants me, and throws that sort of question at me to confuse me, so that i would seek God about that more or spend time trying to work it all out my self than seeking a deeper relationship with Chrsit and about the things i know He wants me to be doing.
I pray for more decernment, so that i reckonise the attacks of the enemy, even when they are wrapped in good stuff, when they first arise, or even before the enemy gets close enough to attack.


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