Wednesday, 28 January 2009

friends and ministry

Last week was fun... I had 2 mates from NZ staying with me, wanting to see and experience the mission stuff that I am a part of in Adelaide.... so it was fun having other people coming out to the soup run, west care, prayer walking... we also tried a couple of ideas that I have been wanting to try for a little while, but with not having people available at the same time as me, I hadn't been able to try... one thing that we tried was prayer door knocking. This sort of pushed all our comfort zones, some more than others... but it was awesome God lead us to the houses that we were meant to go to... which meant that we had a great reception even from one guy who didn't believe in God so therefore didnt want prayer... but he was open to chat, and is open for us to come back and visit again. God fully showed me how ready this neighbour hood is to receive us... even when we offer something “werid and different” (to them at any rate)

Also having these guys here and helping, was very encouraging to me... they will probably never fully know how much they encouraged me... and i thank the Lord for them and making it possible for them to be here for a week.

Over all it was an awesome week... I fully enjoyed being a part of a bigger community for the week... If any one wants to come over and be a part of things here... or even just visit... let me know... I love having more people around... that love Christ and follow Him.

I believe that God is fully ready to do some mighty stuff here this year... and I can't wait to find out what His plans are fully... I pray that I will be hearing correctly and faithly following His leading in where He wants me and what He wants me to do..

Tuesday, 27 January 2009


Well, I have had a full couple of weeks... 2 weeks ago I was in melbourne for insane... which was a camp for people 13 to 25 years of age.. I went along as a volunteer leader...

The week was great... I had fun most of the time... I was able to catch up and hang out with some friends that I hadn't seen for a while, which was awesome... wednesday night was awesome Rowan Castle preached the Gospel.. and God did the rest and over 100 people came to know Christ... which was fully awesome. The camp finish on sunday 23rd, and I stayed with some people that do some incarnational ministry, so it was fun staying there, reading some of the reports and stories that they had stuck up on the wall.. it was very encouraging. I was only there one night before driving back to adelaide.