Thursday, 27 September 2007

live up to what you have attained.

This is what i heard while in Vancouver, and there i was like, yeah i want to, i want to live up to what God has already given to me, and what He has already called me to. I was activitly focused on this and learning more of how to do that. Majority of what i was doing over in Vancouver required me to live up to what God called me.
Now i am back in Adelaide, and back working 4 days a week, it is a lot harder to live up to what i have been called to, cause it is so easy to get dragged down by the normal life. Of working, friendships, and the routine of things. And more distractions, like easy access to tv, and internet.
So i find here i have to be more intentional on being focused,
Being More focused on Jesus,
More focused on who He sees me as and what He has called me to.
I know the plans God has for me, what He has called me to, is massive, things that i am not sure how to do, things i am not confident in, things that i even get a little scared and nervous about when i think about them properly. How ever God's promise is that He is with me, that He will never leave or forsake me. For that i am so thankfull, cause it is only with Christ that i am able to walk in what i have attained, and what He has called me to. And i have to always remember that i need Him so much, that will help me to remain focus on Him, to hear Him and to follow His commands.
Then when we live up to what God has already given us, He will give us more.


Monday, 24 September 2007

God speaks in different ways.

Over the last couple of months, i have been realising and experiencing that God talks to us in a number of different ways. God has talked to me and shown me things through books that i have been reading, through the words of a friend, whether they were words of encouragement, a picture they had recieved for me, or while they are praying for me. Also God has given me pictures, and words through my own thoughts, and then also spoken to me, through my feelings... like I would be praying for someone, and God will give me a feeling of sadness, or excitment. This is the one that i sometimes find it harder to act out upon, cause i am still learning to listen to God in this way.... and i sometimes wonder if it was just my feelings, and not God trying to show or tell me something..... A couple of times i haven't spoken out what i was feeling and then later i was wishing i did, cause i realised that they were from God. So i am relying on God to teach me to know whether to share what i feel. and also to help me to keep my eyes and ears open, so that i will see, hear and reckonise when God speaks to me in different ways.

Friday, 14 September 2007

g'day all

Well it has been over a month since i last blogged....
Not that i haven't had anything to blog, it was more i got busy helping out around the place, and also hanging out, that i didn't spend heaps of time on the computer.
I am now back in Australia, i had an awesome time in Vancouver. I met a number of awesome people, from last years War College Session (Revolution) and i got to be there for their grad. I also go to meet all the Students of this year's Incendiary session of the War College, which was awesome..... I see in them a hunger to learn, to learn things of God, and to walk with Jesus deeper..... The group is small, but i see them as strong in the Lord and Strong together. That they are going to be a tight supportive group.... and the Lord will give them strength through that. i got to hang out with them for less then a week, however i can see God's hand on them, and He's going to be doing great work in their lives, and through each one of them...
I can't wait to see/hear about the changes adn the direction in which God leads them.
Keep them in your prayers. Both last years session as they move on from War College, and this year's session.
I will blog more now that i am back.
and there might be a few blogs of revelations and my experiences of while i was in Vancouver, over the next little while. That's all for now.