Saturday, 24 February 2007

After War Cry

sorry the last post was a little long, but any way

After War Cry, a small group went to pray with and for someone that was close to coming to Christ for the first time. I joined the group a little after they had started. It was awesome, watch and being a part of these teenagers, praying for, and speaking words of life into to this guy.
The end result of it all He accepted Jesus as His Lord and Saviour, Praise God. He also rejected some of the hurt and unforgiveness that he has been holding on to, and left it at the Cross. Praise God. This wasn't just a say a pray and you are saved, it was ok, now that you have let Christ in, let Christ start the clean up. It was awesome, to be a part of it.

Again Praise God, for one more lost child has come back to Him


War Cry

Last night i went to War Cry, which is the Adelaide Congress Hall's youth service, which is on Friday nights. At the moment a group of youth are leading the whole night, and the youth group on a whole.
2 youth gave a short talk/preach. I am going to blog on the 2nd talk, it was really powerfull, and Christ fully spoke through this person. She spoke on Envy, saying that it is "a problem that Noone has but is the most common problem". Cause noone wants to admitt that they are envious.
She related the parrable of the ten talents to what she was saying. Like God has given each of us talents, and we are all talented at different things and at different talents. And quite often when we have say 2 talents, we say to the people that have one talent to move over and get out of the way, which causes those with only one talent to bury their talent, and not use it. But when some one comes along with 5 talents we quite often what to "scratch their eyes out" and wish they werent' there, and can't praise God for their talent. That is envy.
In the church everyone has talent of different sorts and levels, but we are whole when everyone is working in their talents and giftings, no matter what level they have. Cause when all the people with one talent bind together, they become an Army, which is hard to defeat, but if we put down those that only have the one talent, we may be causing them to bury their talent, and if everyone with one talent buried their talent, the fight force would be a lot smaller, and a lot less people will hear about God's love for them. Cause there is less people with 2 talents, and even less with 5 talents.
That is the basics of the preach.
So those of that have been given 5 talents, need to remember that it is not all about them, and what the do, but they should be encouraging the people with one or 2 talents, to walk in and use what God has given them.
Those with two talents need also need to be encouraging those that have one talent to walk in and use it. But also they need, to be learning from those that have 5, and encouraging and praying for them, cause it's not easy "up the top", with all the attacks from the enemy that alone attacks from other people. So yeah this is what we should being doing for those that have 5 talents, instead of tearing them down so to the same level.
And those that have one talent, be encouraged, YOU HAVE A MIGHTY PART TO PLAY IN THIS WAR, band together with each other and with those that have more than you, THEN TOGETHER WITH CHRIST WE ARE AN ARMY THAT CAN'T BE BEAT.

I hope you understand all that i have blogged, if not I pray that Christ will reveal what i meant, and would reveal/teach you though it.

God bless,

Wednesday, 21 February 2007

answer to pray

Well, we have had a few answers to prays this week.
Firstly the guy that i was talking about yesterday, came to cell group last night, and also brought a friend (who we found out was Jewish, Awesome). This guy also told us that he now has a place to stay. Both of these were answers to prays that we prayed on Monday, God is great.
Also at Cell group we prayed for a few people to get a job, and i heard today that one of them has now got a job.
Praise God, He is good, and He loves to answer our prayers.

So i want to encourage you to continue to pray, Our Heavenly Father is our provider

God Bless

Tuesday, 20 February 2007

soup run

Last night, we (Gen1 members) went to the soup run to talk with people as they had a feed. Now for those not from Adelaide, or that just don't know, the soup run starts at 7pm, and the truck rocks up with tables that they pull out and then put out sandwiches, soup, hot dogs, tea, coffee, and cordial, to serve out to who ever comes. People then can grab one of each, then if they want more can go to the back of the line.
While they are sitting around eating, we will go ove and have a chat with them.
Now that the i have finished telling the background of us going to the soup run, i will continue on with the story from last night.
Now the guys giving out the food, had packed up and were getting ready to leave. One of the servers, brought a guy over to us, and asked us where this guy could get some accomodation. We told him, and gave him a ride to the shelter. On the way to the shelter we invited him to cell group (which is on tuesdays). However he was not able to get in. So we brought him to our place which is just around the corner, and then gave him a backpack and a blanket. This guy stayed at our place for about an hour, just chatting and he was grateful that he could chat with us.
It was just a reminder of how much just having a conversation means to people. Some people especially people on the street, or poor, or disabled, are over looked by people that they pass on the street or in shops.
An Example of how bad people can be over looked by others, is, one of my work mates, injured her leg a few weeks ago, and she had to keep her leg raised for 2 weeks. So that she could go places she had to be in a wheel chair. One day she went to the shops with her husband, he was pushing the wheel chair, and the shop assistant talked totally to her husband, and didn't even reckonise that she was there, that alone a person, until the conversation was over, and her and her husband was about to go, then the shop assistant gave her a little smile. My mate said that it was disgrading. How often do we go down the street, and see people with our eyes and not reckonise them as actual humans but only see them as another body. Do we look in to the eyes of someone, and accept them, and see them as Christ sees them.

That is just something to thing about.

God bless you all

Tuesday, 13 February 2007

i have house mates


Yesterday i got home from melbourne, where i had fun hanging out with some friends, which was awesome.
Then today, 2 girls moved into the Gen1 house with me, i finished work, then started cleaning the house cause i knew that they were moving in today, and they arrived 30mins later, and moved stuff in before cell. And then joined cell.
Afterwards they continued to unpack, we had a chat and found out what each others schedules were like.
the girls are awesome, and it will be great having more people helping out on this front.
also it will be great getting to know them more and growing together.

Still believing and trusting that God will lead more people to Gen1.
Blessings to everyone.

Monday, 5 February 2007


Well i am in New Zealand.
Yesterday i finished a 9 day adventure based discipleship course thing with "blue Mountian Adventure", called "peak 2 - the Journey". It was an awesome time, very challenging physically (like walking and riding up big hills or mountians). Before i left adelaide, i had some mates praying for me and giving me words from God, and one of them was "Every thing is or will be easy with God", When walking/hiking up the mountian on the first day of the Journey (now we had to hike up this mountain before we even technically started the Journey). This word kept coming to my mind, and i held on to it every step i took up that mountain, i was also holding onto the verse
"30 Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; 31 but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Is 40:30-31
These things are what kept me focused on Christ and through them He help me to keep going.
Also there were times when i caught myself out with thoughts that weren't quite holy and having to stop myself thinking such things, they were just thoughts where i was getting annoyed with someone in the group and not really having a reason to be annoyed, so i handed them over to the Lord, cause i didn't want to be thinking those sort of thoughts. I also noticed that i complained a number of times on the Journey, (mainly when we had to go up hill again), which is not the best attitude to have at all, even though when i did complain i had a smile on my face, it is not the attitude i should have, for we are to be holy and be Christ like. Christ went through so much more than what i did, but He still didn't complain once, Christ remained silent, like a lamb to the slaughter.
So what excuse do i have to complain about walking or riding up a mountian or hill. I am called to praise God in all circumstances. So i am praying that i will learn to praise the Lord in every and every situation.
All up it was an awesome 9 days with 3 other girls that were on the journey as well, and we had 2 guys that were the instructors. It was awesome meeting them, and chatting about the things of God and encouraging them.
Anyway i am about to head out to tea with my mate sarah, and another person also called sarah, that we met at the backpackers that we are staying at, so i should go and meet them.
God Bless you all abundantly, I pray that Christ will speak to you today.

Ah, one more thing before i go, Today i learnt that i am definately not a tourist. I hate doing all the normal touristy stuff. Today sarah and me went on a free bus tour, the things that we went to we a little interesting, but i didn't fully enjoy it. I would of muched preferred to get out on the street and wander around and see what happens on the streets, and see the locals.
I may reflect on this more at a later stage.

So this time i am going for real,

Catch ya later